Friday, March 17, 2017

Dear Mom, From Sim (Washington D.C.)

By:  Simran Nanwani
Trip:  Stopping Traffic at the Corner of Humans & Justice

Dear Mom,

As you know, today is day 3 of my alternate break trip! We had a personal session with Laura Lederer who is the founder of Global Centurion which is an organization that works towards combating human trafficking. This session with her really helped us dip our feet in the water and get a better understanding of human trafficking. Post this session, we went to the mall for on the street surveys to get a brief sense of what the community in DC knows about human trafficking since it is a prevalent issue in the USA today.

However, I am writing to you today to thank you for giving me the opportunity to move out of India and study at Rutgers and be as involved on campus as I wish to be. Because, today, everyone in the group spoke about why human trafficking is important to them and it really is a fulfilling experience to work on a project with a group of people who feel just as strongly and passionately about social issues affecting us today.

Sometimes, I feel like my focus is geared towards the bigger picture of completely solving the issue at hand, but the girls around me constantly teach me that there’s a whole process that goes along with that and make me draw back my attention to the smaller things that make a big difference. When I first thought of human trafficking, the first thing that came to my mind is prostitution and sexual trafficking and this can be a very complicated issue to overcome. But, if you start out small, even as simple as getting people to take surveys on the street, you are slowly working your way up and building through the struggles to overcome a complicated social issue and I couldn’t be more excited to take on this journey with twelve other incredible women so thank you Mom for giving me this incredible opportunity!


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